QUIET PART OUT LOUD: Student complains that 'anti-Jewish students' didn't get enough police protection

'And we as Arabs, Palestinian, Muslim and anti-Jewish students, are we not worth protecting?'

Credit: Israel War Room

A student at Florida International University complained that “anti-Jewish students” aren’t protected by police during protests.

The comment was made during a February 5 meeting of the Florida International University Student Government Association Senate where a ceasefire resolution was discussed.

The clip was shared by Israel War Room on Wednesday.

”In every single protest that we have, our actions have had counter protesters, and there is never any backlash and never police protecting us. In fact, our police are directly protecting counter-protesters even at our events,” the woman said. “So I want to ask you all, is Palestinian life not worth mourning? And we as Arabs, Palestinian, Muslim, and anti-Jewish students, are we not worth protecting?”

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According to minutes from the Feb. 5 meeting, the ceasefire resolution failed to pass by a vote of 9-12-5.

Campus Reform reached out to FIU for comment.