‘Queering European History’: Texas State University offers extensive list of LGBT and gender-focused courses

The course catalog includes a class on ‘queering European history’ in which students ‘consider how history can be written to include oppressed and marginalized voices.’

Another class, ‘History of Women’s Health in the United States,’ discusses ‘trans healthcare’ for men who identify as women.

A public university in Texas offers more than 20 courses on LGBT and gender-related subjects, including classes focusing on “trans healthcare,” “abortion,” and having “multiple identities.”

Texas State University’s slate of courses includes “History of Women’s Health in the United States,” which “examines the history of women’s health and healthcare in the United States from Colonial America to present day debates over female bodily autonomy, including but not limited to abortion, access to prenatal, postpartum, and maternal care, birth control, and trans healthcare.” 

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“The Myths of Western Civilization: Decolonizing and Queering European History” will have students “consider how history can be written to include oppressed and marginalized voices.”

A course titled “Gender and Sexuality in College,” meanwhile, is described as “using feminist theory and a social justice framework” to explore the “topics of gender identity development, intersectionality, and multiple identities, sexual orientation, gender privilege and oppression, gender disparities in achievement and persistence, femininity, and masculinity.”

The page for an English class called “Queer and Trans Texts”--which seems to have been deleted--indicated that participants “will read, reflect on, and analyze queer and trans memoirs that have been published since the Stonewall Riots: that is, the era of contemporary GLBTQIA+ movements and the ongoing struggle for civil and social equality.” It adds that “[w]e will also read some of the foundational texts of queer theory in conversation with queer-of-color critique.”

In the class “Black Queer Experience,” students learn “about the experiences of same-sex loving and gender-transgressing Black people.” 

In a history class, “Queer History: GLBT Histories in the United States,” students “explore the rise of the modern lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identities, politics, and culture.”

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Other classes include “American Sexualities,” “History of American Sexualities,” “Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexualities,” “LGBTQ+ Rhetoric and Advocacy,” and “Seminar on the Sociology of Gender.”

Campus Reform contacted Texas State University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.