80 UC Santa Cruz anti-Israel campus occupiers arrested: 'We remain resilient'

80 anti-Israel campus occupiers were arrested on Friday at the University of California, Santa Cruz, as police cleared an encampment.

80 anti-Israel campus occupiers were arrested on Friday at the University of California, Santa Cruz, as police cleared an encampment.

A university spokesperson told the Associated Press that people inside the encampment ignored several warnings to leave.

“For weeks, encampment participants were given repeated, clear direction to remove the encampment and cease blocking access to numerous campus resources and to the campus itself,” a university spokesman said. “They were notified that their actions were unlawful and unsafe. And this morning they were also given multiple warnings by law enforcement to leave the area and disperse to avoid arrest. Unfortunately, many refused to follow this directive and many individuals are being arrested.”

University of California, Santa Cruz Chancellor Cynthia Larive wrote in an email to the campus community that 80 protesters were arrested.

[RELATED: UCSC pro-Hamas occupiers demand school cut ties with Hillel]

Larive said that the protesters also set up road blockades “with fortified and chained barricades made of pallets and other materials, and other unlawful actions, disrupted campus operations and threatened safety, including delaying access of emergency vehicles.”

Pictures on social media show protesters attempting to crowd together and link arms in an attempt to avoid arrest.

Notably, Students for Justice in Palestine, the group that organized the encampment, demanded that the university cut ties with Hillel International.

[RELATED: PARTY’S OVER: Police arrest over 100 Hamas-endorsed UCLA campus occupiers]

The SJP chapter demanded that cut ties with “all zionist institutions,” including Hillel International, which operates individual Hillel chapters at 850 colleges around the world.