AGAIN?: Police break up third UCLA encampment, 25 arrested

​Police at the University of California, Los Angeles arrested 25 people after pro-Palestine groups set up a third encampment on campus.


Police at the University of California, Los Angeles arrested 25 people after pro-Palestine groups set up a third encampment on campus.

According to the Daily Bruin, over 100 protesters set up three encampments in different areas across campus on Monday afternoon following a protest by the UC Divest Coalition and Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA which called on the University of California to divest from companies that support the Israeli military.

The protesters barricaded the encampment on Monday afternoon and began reading the names of individuals who have died in Gaza.

UCPD issued several orders calling on the protesters to disperse but waited until Monday night to begin clearing out the encampment and make arrests.

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The California Highway Patrol assisted in making the arrests, with a total of 25 people detained at around 8 p.m. Individuals arrested were told not to return to UCLA property for 14 days.

According to the report, one member of the UCLA Faculty for Justice in Palestine group was arrested.

Protesters only dispersed after police began firing pepper bullets at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday.

One student who was only identified as Manal told the Daily Bruin that the police response made her uneasy.

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“I’m worried because last time it was bad – we were attacked by both the police and the Zionists,” Manal said. “Many of us got arrested. Many of us are vulnerable because, among us, there are undocumented students, there are international students, there are students from different minority groups.”