Anti-Israel activists demand U of Colorado divest by gathering outside of Jewish regent's house

On June 16, a group of protesters hosted a demonstration outside the private home of one of the University of Colorado’s Jewish regents, demanding that the university divest from Israel.

On June 16, a group of protesters hosted a demonstration outside the private home of one of the University of Colorado’s regents, demanding that the university divest from Israel.
“Targeting me and my family, American Jews and descendants of Holocaust survivors at my personal home is un-American. It was and is blatant, brazen and dangerous antisemitism, which we as Americans cannot tolerate,” Regent Illana Spiegel said. 

“She was targeted by SDS [Students for a Democratic Society] Denver because she is a CU regent. They are upset that CU is not abiding by their demands to divest from Israel,” said Miri Kornfeld, director for Stand With Us Colorado, a non-profit that aims to fight anti-Semitism.

[RELATED: American University puts Students for Justice in Palestine on probation]

SDS Denver was responsible for a “solidarity encampment” to urge divestment from Israel at the University of Colorado earlier this year, as seen on the group’s Instagram account.

“We’re trying to say that no business as usual under a genocide, as well as apply pressure to the board of regents who have been ignoring student protesters,” a member of SDS Denver said. “This is the house of one of the people on the board of regents at the University of Colorado Denver who has the power to introduce resolutions to get the endowments, or like the investments, that the university has engaged in to fully divest, cut all ties.”

This is the second time that pro-Palestine protesters have hosted a demonstration outside the private home of a member of the University of Colorado’s Board of Regents. The other demonstration took place on June 2 outside of the home of Board Chair Callie Rennison.

[RELATED: Students for Justice in Palestine plan ‘national strike,’ pledge to avoid work, school, and spending]

Campus Reform has contacted the University of Colorado for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.