Anti-Israel Princeton alumni group urges other alumni to stop donating to school

The group asked alumni to ‘withhold donations until’ Princeton divests from connections to the Jewish state.

In lieu of donating to Princeton, alumni were asked to send money to an ‘Alternative Giving’ fund.

Screenshot taken from Instagram account of Princeton Alumni for Palestine.

The Princeton Alumni for Palestine group shared a “Princeton Alumni for Palestine Reunions Guide” to attempt to grow alumni support for campus anti-Israel activities and to encourage alumni to stop donating funds to the New Jersey Ivy League institution. 

In the guide, shared on Instagram on May 17, the group listed one of its “main goals for Reunions” as gathering “signatures on our pledge to withhold donations until divestment.”

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The other “main goals” include “[building] a broader coalition of alumni” and “[being] visible - wear a keffiyeh, wear our PA4P button, and pass out our business card!”

The group’s “Action Items” asked alumni to “[s]ign and share our pledge,” “[d]onate to our ‘Alternative Giving’ fund,” and “[r]each out to your Princeton classmates to get them involved.”

The post shared several relevant links, including to a “Reunions Art and Media” folder, which included resources like a business card, anti-Israel posters, a pamphlet encouraging “digital security,” and a document titled “WHY YOU SHOULD BOYCOTT DONATIONS TO PRINCETON,” among other documents. 

The divestment pledge document notes: “As alumni, graduating seniors, and parents, we pledge to withhold all donations to Princeton University until it meets the divestment demands laid out in the 2023 divestment campaign letter signed by Princeton faculty, staff, students, and alumni.”

The pledge also gives signers the opportunity to provide “an optional testimonial for why you would like to add your name to this campaign.” Signers are also encouraged to “[divert] your donation to our ‘Alternative Giving’ campaign.”

In the “2023 divestment campaign letter,” alumni demand that Princeton “divest and dissociate its endowment of all direct and indirect holdings in companies that profit from or engage in the State of Israel’s ongoing genocidal military onslaught, occupation, and apartheid policies.” 

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The letter also calls on the Ivy League institution to “[r]efrain from any form of academic or cultural association with Israeli institutions and businesses,” “[c]ultivate affiliations with Palestinian academic and cultural institutions directly,” “release a public statement calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza,” and provide amnesty “for all students involved in the encampment, sit-in, and hunger strike.”

Campus Reform has contacted Princeton University and Princeton Alumni for Palestine for comments. This article will be updated accordingly.