Anti-Israel student groups plan to protest DNC: 'Democrats have failed us'

Several anti-Israel groups are planning to protest outside the Democratic National Convention next week.

Several anti-Israel student groups are planning to protest outside the Democratic National Convention.

National Students for Justice in Palestine, as well as several other anti-Israel groups, are co-sponsoring “March on the DNC 2024.”

The coalition of groups, in addition to calling for the federal government to stop “arming and supporting” Israel, is also demanding the following:

[RELATED: Pro-Palestine student group in Massachusetts uses readings from Lenin, Stalin, and Palestinian terrorist hijacker in ‘summer camp’]

- “Money for Jobs, School, Healthcare, Housing, and Environment, Not for War!

- Immigrant Rights and Legalization for All!

- Defend LGBTQIA+ & Reproductive Rights!

- Defend the right to unionize and strike!

- Stop police crimes! Community control of the police now!

- Justice, Peace, and Equality!”

[RELATED: Pro-Palestine student group in Massachusetts uses readings from Lenin, Stalin, and Palestinian terrorist hijacker in ‘summer camp’]

”We condemn the Democratic Party for promoting wars in Palestine, Ukraine, and countries all over the world,  and for strangling dozens of countries with illegal sanctions that affect over 2 billion people. US economic and military interests are behind the genocide in Gaza, and are threatening war on China. The US military puts the entire world in danger of war and targets people’s movements like in the Philippines and Colombia,” the groups wrote.