Anti-Israel student groups take issue with UNC's hiring of pro-American chancellor

After UNC Chapel Hill announced Interim Chancellor Lee Roberts would become the full-time chancellor, anti-Israel student groups voiced their outrage on social media.

'That flag will stand here as long as I’m chancellor,' Roberts said of the American flag amid an anti-Israel encampment protest in the spring.

Following an announcement that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s interim chancellor would become the full-time chancellor, anti-Israel student groups voiced their outrage on social media. 

In an Aug. 9 message, newly-elected Chancellor Lee Roberts said: “I truly believe there is no better job in the world than leading Carolina and building on its remarkable legacy of excellence.”

“This is an unparalleled place with an unparalleled mission not only to teach and learn, but to serve others and improve the world around us,” he added. “I am eager and excited to continue supporting the achievements, curiosities, and ambitions of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni.”

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Once the announcement was posted by the university, the anti-Israel student groups at UNC posted messages on social media criticizing Roberts’ hiring. 

Organizations like the pro-Hamas UNC Students for Justice in Palestine posted “seconds” after the announcement and called Roberts an “authoritarian” who was “officially coronated permanent chancellor of UNC in rigged search.” 

The groups added a one-sentence statement in the post from the “Southern Student Action Coalition,” which said: “General Lee Roberts will not rule us.” 

The anti-Israel coalition claimed in a separate post that the “UNC students were ignored” and that the “search process was a sham.” 

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The groups also continued their scrutiny of Roberts’ preparedness for the role by claiming that he has no experience in an administrative role, despite him serving as the interim chancellor for the 2023-24 academic year. 

The scrutiny continued with the groups pointing out that the “far-right” UNC Board of Trustees called to divest from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and wanted to send “its $2.2 million to UNC police” but would not divest from Israel.

During the spring semester, Roberts restored an American flag on campus after anti-Israel agitators tore it down and put the Palestinian flag in its place. He said: “The flag represents all of us. Take down that flag, and put up another flag, no matter what flag it is – that’s antithetical to who we are, what this university stands for.” 

”That flag will stand here as long as I’m chancellor,” Roberts added.

Campus Reform has contacted the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.