Anti-Israel students hold 'sit-in' to protest 'war criminal' Hillary Clinton's class at Columbia

Anti-Israel students at Columbia University in New York City recently protested a class that Hillary Clinton is teaching at the school.

Columbia’s chapter of the anti-Israel student group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) stated that Clinton is 'not welcome' at the school.

Anti-Israel students at Columbia University in New York City recently protested a class that Hillary Clinton is teaching at the school.

Clinton’s class is entitled “Inside the Situation Room” and, according to its description on Columbia’s website, will teach students “how to analyze and understand the complex interplay between individual psychology, domestic politics, public opinion, bureaucracy, the international environment, and other factors which feed into decisions about foreign policy.”

The Washington Free Beacon obtained videos of the protest outside of Clinton’s class in which demonstrators shouted anti-Israel slogans.

[RELATED:  ‘WOLVES GUARDING THE HENHOUSE’: Two Columbia profs who helped set protest rules joined anti-Israel protests, report claims]

The chants included “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever,” “Resist until victory,” “Resistance is justified when people are occupied,” and “The Palestinian resistance is alive, not dead.”

The Free Beacon additionally reported that the “Palestine Working Group” of the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs organized the protest.

”JOIN US in a sit in as we speak out against the war criminal Hillary Clinton,” the group reportedly wrote in advance of the demonstration. “Tell Columbia & SIPA, we will not stand for genocide, propaganda and the militarization of our campus! We call on all students to walk out of Hillary’s sham class! #copsoffcampus.”

Columbia’s chapter of the anti-Israel student group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) stated that Clinton is “not welcome” at the school.

“We’re making it clear: War criminals are not welcome on campus,” Columbia’s SJP posted to X on Sept. 4. “Hillary Clinton has actively engaged in war crimes against the peoples of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Palestine.”

Campus Reform reported earlier this month about a different protest at Columbia during which anti-Israel demonstrators vandalized a statue at the university’s Morningside Heights campus by covering it in red paint.

“The first day of classes at Columbia University are drenched in blood,” a student protest group posted in the wake of the vandalization. “Protests are continuing against the school’s financial support for the zionist entity & repression of anti-zionist voices amid genocide. These photos show the Alma Mater statue at the library covered in paint.”

[RELATED: Columbia University anti-Israel protesters vandalize campus statue with red paint, vow ‘this action is the first of many’]

The group continued to threaten more acts of vandalism until the university divests from companies that have financial connections to Israel.

“This action is the first of many,” the anti-Israel group stated. “We will not stop until the university fully divests from all forms of settler-colonial violence.”

Campus Reform has contacted Columbia University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.