Anti-Israel UMass students start communist summer camp focusing on mass murderers Stalin, Mao

The groups’ post advertising the event featured prominent images of communist dictators who killed millions, including Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.

‘An escape from capitalist oppression requires a real alternative—dual power—and we seek to lay the groundwork for that alternative, rooted in collective care and in the prioritization of people over profit,’ the groups wrote.

Screenshot taken from Instagram of Western Massachusetts Popular University for Palestine.

Anti-Israel student groups at the University of Massachusetts Amherst are promoting an openly communist “Political Education Summer Camp.” 

An Instagram post shared by the “Western Massachusetts Popular University for Palestine” and by the UMass Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group advertised the event, calling it a “political education summer camp” taking place Saturdays from June 8-Aug. 31 at Pulaski Park in Northampton, Massachusetts. 

The post shows pictures of prominent communist leaders and thinkers like Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong. According to some estimates, Mao’s communist regime murdered roughly 65 million Chinese, and communist regimes in total have murdered 100 million innocents. 

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The post also features a picture of the anti-Israel terrorist plane hijacker, Leila Khaled.

The groups write: “Every Saturday, we will set up a public encampment with educational, social, and material resources and open to the entire community. With this effort, we aim to create collective power and solidarity outside of the capitalist system which exploits us all.”

“An escape from capitalist oppression requires a real alternative—dual power—and we seek to lay the groundwork for that alternative, rooted in collective care and in the prioritization of people over profit,” they continued.

“We are looking for educators, musicians, artists, community healers, and local mutual aid organizations!” they added. 

In a link included in the post, the groups provides an overview and schedule of the camp, writing: “Drawing inspiration from the courageous actions of students at UMass and universities around the world, we seek to establish a Western Massachusetts Popular University for Palestine. As demonstrated by the diverse and widespread student encampments, these ‘popular universities’ are more than just social gatherings. They are radically democratic and inclusive spaces built upon care, support, and solidarity.”

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“With this effort, we aim to create collective power and solidarity outside of the capitalist system which exploits us all. We recognize that the mechanics of capitalism that prevent us from taking action—the need to take time off from work, pay our living expenses, find childcare, struggle to access services—are the same mechanics that enslave and oppress us,” the document added. 

The schedule includes sessions titled, “Colonialism & Settler-Colonialism,” “Palestinian Resistance in Context,” and “The Intifada Will Be Globalized.” One of the themes for the event is “The Tactics: There Is Only One Solution, Intifada Revolution!”

The readings include works by Soviet dictators Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, as well as by Mao Zedong. According to some estimates, Stalin murdered at least 9 million innocents. 

Campus Reform has contacted UMass Amherst and the school’s SJP chapter for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.