Baruch College SJP features images of AR-15 style rifle in call for students to apply for leadership positions

Baruch College Students for Justice in Palestine student group included images of AR-15-style rifles in the background of social media post asking students to join SJP board.

The Baruch College Students for Justice in Palestine student group included images of AR-15-style rifles in the background of a social media post asking students to join their board. 

In a post from the Baruch Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) advertising open positions for students to join the leadership of the pro-Palestine student group, the AR-15’s are seen in the background of the promotion. 

In the description of the post, the SJP stated that they are “[v]ery excited for the fall semester!”

In addition to the inclusion of assault rifles in the post, the group included an image of a downward triangle, a symbol that is associated with the terrorist group, Hamas. 

In the form that students are asked to fill out to apply for the open positions, students are asked to provide their name, phone number, student identification number, their Baruch College-associated email, and answer questions about their commitment and enthusiasm to join the leadership of the SJP. 

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One specific question listed asks students why they want to join the SJP, what they can “offer” the SJP, and are asked to share “thoughts on a Two-State Solution.”

Once interested students fill out personal details on the form, they are also required to have an in-person interview with the current leadership of the Baruch branch of the Students for Justice in Palestine. 

Campus Reform has reported on similar instances where pro-Hamas student groups have displayed on social media violent sentiments or rhetoric. 

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In July, New York University condemned statements made by pro-Hamas student groups that operate within its campus for stating on social media that they plan on embracing tactics of an “armed struggle” when returning for the fall semester, as reported by Campus Reform.

Similarly, Campus Reform also reported that at Duke University and UNC, anti-Israel groups condoned similar rhetoric to the NYU student groups stating that they approve of an “armed rebellion” and “revolutionary violence” to achieve their goals. 

Campus Reform has contacted Baruch College for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.