Bye bye!: University of Missouri eliminates DEI office

The University of Missouri announced it will eliminate its division that's dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The University of Missouri announced it will eliminate a division that’s dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

According to KMBC, University of Missouri President Mun Choi said the decision to close its Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Division after pressure from both national and state lawmakers.

”There are many DEI programs that had been eliminated because of legislative mandates, and we wanted to be ahead of the curve and make a proactive decision to best serve our students,” Choi said.

The division will close officially on Aug. 15.

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Choi told the Missouri Independent that no employee will lose their jobs due to the division’s elimination.

“We realize the political situations that have occurred in other universities across the United States, including Texas, and Florida, Utah, and now Alabama, as well as many others,” Choi said.

In Missouri alone, 13 bills aimed at DEI measures have been filed in the last two years.

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The University of Missouri’s DEI division was formed after the protests of 2015, where students formed a tent city to protest a series of issues relating to race after a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.