Catholic college hosts pro-abortion Biden ambassador as commencement speaker

On May 11, Calumet College of St. Joseph invited Joe Donnelly to give the keynote commencement address at its graduation ceremony and awarded him an honorary degree.

The current Ambassador to the Holy See, Donnelly espoused pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage political stances as a Democratic U.S. Senator.

A small Catholic college in Hammond, Indiana recently hosted a former Democratic senator and current Biden administration ambassador who supports abortion and same-sex marriage.

On May 11, Calumet College of St. Joseph (CCSJ) invited Joe Donnelly to give the keynote commencement address at its graduation ceremony and awarded him an honorary degree. 

Donnelly, who was nominated by President Joe Biden in 2021, currently serves as the United States Ambassador to the Holy See and formerly served as a U.S. senator representing Indiana.

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Photos show Donnelly giving a speech at the podium before posing with his framed honorary doctorate degree along with the school’s president, Amy McCormack. 

The speech and awarding of the honorary degree from the Catholic institution come despite Donnelly’s history of supporting social causes such as abortion and gay marriage that go directly against the teachings of the Catholic Church. 

While in the Senate, the National Right to Life Committee  gave Donnelly an overall grade of a 28% pro-life voting record while he repeatedly voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood. Donnelly has also walked back previous statements on LGBT issues and has supported same-sex marriage, calling it “the right thing to do” in 2013.

“Senator Donnelly claims to be pro-life, but he has a history of betrayal on important pro-life votes, including today when he once again voted in support of sending taxpayer dollars to America’s largest abortion business,” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America said of Donnelly in 2018.

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Campus Reform has covered numerous other Catholic institutions that promote ideologies or speakers that oppose the teachings of the church. In New York, St. John’s University recently held its second annual “Lavender Graduation” graduation, a segregated graduation ceremony for students who identify as LGBT.

At the University of San Diego, the school’s student health care plan for the 2023-24 school year included a provision to provide 100% of abortion costs to students, in addition to contraception and “gender-affirming care.”

Campus Reform has reached out to CCSJ for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.

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