Chicago SJP protests outside Dem Rep. Brad Schneider's home, pours 'red liquid' on sidewalk

​Chicago Students for Justice in Palestine along with other groups protested outside the home of Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) on early Saturday morning, prompting neighbors to call the police.

Instagram: @SJPChicago

Chicago Students for Justice in Palestine along with other groups protested outside the home of Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) on early Saturday morning, prompting neighbors to call the police.

Chicago SJP posted a video of the protest at Highland Park to their Instagram, writing: “If Gaza can’t rest, neither will you. Brad Schneider, we charge genocide.” The video described Schneider as a “war criminal.” City officials said the protest took place at around 2:30 a.m.

One protest leader shouted this is “your punishment” for voting to defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East as well as aid to Israel.

A Wall Street Journal report found that at least 10% of UNRWA employees have ties to Islamist militant groups and at least 12 of them had connections to the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. 

[RELATED: New Jersey SJP group urges students to apply to West Bank university with Hamas ties]

”If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no sleep!” the protesters chanted outside Schneider’s home.

Protesters were using sirens and other noisemakers while marching down the street.

According to CBS Chicago, Schneider’s office said protesters poured red liquid that appeared to be some type of animal blood on the sidewalk.

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”It’s unfortunate that instead of seeking a constructive dialogue with Congressman Schneider, a group of people hiding their faces chose to taunt and intimidate a predominantly Jewish neighborhood on the Jewish Sabbath in the middle of the night. It’s even more disturbing they chose to harass a community that is preparing to commemorate the second anniversary of the Highland Park mass shooting, a shared tragedy that was spurred by hate. The Congressman is always happy to meet and sit down with anyone. I encourage those who disagree with his views to seek a conversation in the daylight rather than disturbing and traumatizing families in the darkness of night,” a spokesperson for Schneider’s office said.

The City of Highland Park, Illinois wrote on Facebook that police received several noise complaints at 2:43 a.m. as protesters “carried banners and shouted pro-Palestinian and antisemitic chants using loudspeakers and drums.”

All protesters were out of the area by 3 a.m., the city said. No arrests were made.