Columbia anti-Israel activists set up rocket plastered with face of university president

‘This installation by the students in #Revolt4Rafah is a to scale representation of the missiles being dropped on our people in Palestine funded by Columbia University,’ the activists wrote.

Another post attacked President Shafik, claiming she would ‘rather collude with the Billionaire lobby and the NYPD than protect her own students.’

Screenshot taken from Instagram page of Columbia SJP.

Anti-Israel students at Columbia University in New York City set up a cardboard rocket featuring the face of school President Minouche Shafik. 

A June 1 post from Columbia’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) showed the rocket on campus as part of an “installation” that also featured a Palestinian flag, several signs bearing messages like “All eyes on Rafah,” and a cardboard cutout of Shafik’s face with the words “SELL OUT!” plastered across her eyes. 

“This installation by the students in #Revolt4Rafah is a to scale representation of the missiles being dropped on our people in Palestine funded by Columbia University,” the SJP chapter wrote.

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The group stated that “[j]ust the .66% of Columbia University’s investment portfolio publicly disclosed to us reveals that Columbia has financial ties to Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Caterpillar Inc.” 

“Columbia University is not an educational institution, it is a corporation that continues to profit off the Zionist entity’s deliberate, wholesale destruction of Gaza,” it continued. 

“Zionist entity” is a term used by anti-Israel activists who attempt to deny the Jewish State’s legitimacy and right to exist. 

The activist group concluded the post: “WE REFUSE TO HAVE THIS LEVEL OF DESTRUCTION NORMALIZED. We revolt for all the universities that are no longer left in Gaza due to our own tuition dollars. We reject the mainstream media focus on college campuses as our institutions have ensured there are no universities left in Gaza.” 

Another June 1 post from Columbia’s SJP referred to Shafik as “President Bootlicker,” sarcastically writing that her daily to-do list consists of a “Bootlicking workshop at 12” and “Therapy.” 

The group wrote that Shafik would “rather collude with the Billionaire lobby and the NYPD than protect her own students. In a WhatsApp groupchat exposed by the Washington Post, zionist billionaires helped Eric Adams ‘handle the Columbia protests.’ Shafik has since sent the NYPD to brutalize protestors–twice.”

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The SJP chapter referred to police officers who dispersed the Columbia tent encampment as “pigs,” writing: “Pigs destroyed student property, threw students down stairs, concussed students by kicking their heads, and more.”

Blaming Shafik for calling in police officers to disperse the disruptive anti-Israel protest at Columbia, the group wrote: “While we rose in resistance to genocide and oppression, Minouche with her merry band of genocidal billionaires and politicians worked together to brutalize us.” 

Campus Reform has contacted Columbia University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.