Columbia anti-Israel group echoes terrorist rallying cry to ‘besiege the embassies’

‘The least that can be done is the [sic] besiege the embassies of the enemy and complicit states,’ the post, which was shared by CUAD, read.

Members of Congress have recently called on the FBI to investigate CUAD for its previous calls for and glorification of violence.

Screenshot taken from X account of Gil Zussman.

An anti-Israel organization at Columbia University repeated calls by the terror group, Hamas, to “besiege” Israeli and American embassies. 

“BESIEGE THE EMBASSIES,” the post read, which was made by the anti-Israel group and then shared by Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD). The post was made as an Instagram story but then shared Monday on X by Columbia professor Gil Zussman. 

[RELATED: Columbia student group calls Hamas’ Tel Aviv terror attack an act of ‘resistance’]

“A popular call is gaining traction . . . The northern Gaza Strip is undergoing a genocide in every sense of the word, which has been allowed due to lack of action,” Gazafunds’s post read. “The least that can be done is the [sic] besiege the embassies of the enemy and complicit states. This is a simple ask. Head to the zionist embassy or consulate, the American embassies, German, French, and British embassies. Besiege them. Share this post and the hashtags. Encourage action in all places. If not now, when?”

CUAD’s call came after Hamas official Khalil Al-Hayya said on Sunday that “[t]he Arab and Islamic masses must besiege the [Israeli] occupation embassies and the American embassies,” according to the Iranian network PressTV

CUAD has ended up in hot water several times before due to its radical anti-Israel activism. 

An Oct. 14 letter sent by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Rep. Elise Steanik (R-N.Y.) called on the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate CUAD for promoting violence and praising terrorism.

“In light of the considerable violence occurring for which this group is already responsible, and Columbia University’s inability and unwillingness to police its own campus necessitating it to request the NYPD intervene, federal intervention is now necessary,” the letter said. 

[RELATED: Columbia suspends outspoken pro-Israel prof for alleged harassment -- but didn’t punish faculty member who called Oct. 7 attack ‘astounding’]

A CUAD member previously said “Zionists don’t deserve to live” and “[b]e grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.” Though CUAD initially apologized for what the student said, it quickly took the apology back and wrote that “violence is the only path forward.” 

CUAD also praised the now-deceased leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah in a post that also quoted communist dictators Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. 

Campus Reform has reached out to Columbia University and CUAD for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.