Columbia prof who called American flag ‘symbol of genocide’ mocks Trump after assassination attempt

Zenkus mocked Trump’s courage in the face of the attempt on his life, and drew parallels to the Israel-Hamas War.

Zenkus, who once called the American flag a ‘symbol of genocide,’ also seemed to lash out at those who condemned political violence in the wake of the attempted assassination.

Screenshot taken from X account of Anthony Zenkus

A professor at Columbia University took to social media following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, criticizing those who praised Trump’s courage and apparently attacking those who condemned political violence. 

Anthony Zenkus, according to his faculty profile, is “an activist on issues of racial justice, income inequality, and climate justice,” has worked as “an organizer with Occupy Wall Street,” and identifies as “an ally in the Movement for Black Lives.”

[UPDATE: Bellarmine instructor on leave after attempted Trump assassination comments: ‘If you’re gonna shoot, man, don’t miss’]

On Monday, he commented on the attempt on Trump’s life: “Who is more courageous: A really rich white guy raising his first in defiance after receiving a cut in his right ear or an 11 year old Palestinian boy who has only one leg because the other one got blown off by a US-supplied bomb dropped by Israel and who spends each day searching for clean water for himself and his sister because both their parents were blown to bits by that same bomb?”

Experts have pointed out that Hamas intentionally embeds itself in civilian centers to use civilians as human shields. 

Zenkus also posted a message condemning President Joe Biden for his intention to call Trump after the attempted assassination. 

“Joe Biden said he was trying to call Donald Trump on the phone after the assassination attempt. The families of the 71 Palestinians murdered yesterday by Israel with bombs sent by Biden won’t, unfortunately, be getting the courtesy of a phone call,” he wrote in a separate message. 

In another post, he wrote: “There is no place for political violence in the Untied States. Economic violence, on the other hand...”

Zenkus has repeatedly made controversial statements on social media in the past.

On May 4, 2023, Zenkus said that those who feel threatened by mentally ill individuals on public transportation are “racists.” The comment came in the wake of the death of Jordan Neely, who had a criminal record and mental health problems. Neely threatened his fellow passengers and acted in an “insanely threatening” manner before being restrained by fellow passenger Daniel Penny. 

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In October 2020, Zenkus called the American flag a “symbol of genocide.”

In January 2018, in response to someone pointing out that millions have died because of socialism, Zenkus alleged that “millions” have died because of capitalism and claimed that “Hitler was a capitalist.”

Campus Reform has contacted Columbia University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.