Columbia SJP unleashes terrorism-loving social media rant: 'No way to eliminate the resistance'

The Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine chapter went on a bizarre rant over the weekend praising the Palestinian "resistance."

The Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine chapter went on a bizarre rant over the weekend praising the Palestinian “resistance.”

The X account Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus posted screenshots of the Instagram stories in which the Columbia SJP praised the Palestinian resistance, stating it cannot be eliminated.

”[T]here is no way to eliminate the resistance without ending the occupation. when you see a video of a young palestinian [sic] boy traumatized in a hospital bed talking about how iof [sic] shot his pregnant mother in cold blood in front of his own eyes, do not question how he chooses to resist years later,” Columbia SJP wrote.

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The SJP chapter also said that Hamas is the “only” force fighting back against Israel.

”[T]he Palestinian resistance is the ONLY force materially fighting back against [Israel]. the UN and ICJ have zero material power to stop [Israel] despite begging them to abide by international law,” the group wrote. “the lOF only has experience murdering children and unarmed civilians. this is why rather than engaging in an actual military combat, they choose to commit genocide with the blank check they receive from Biden.”

In addition to the social media stories, the Columbia SJP also added an inverted red triangle to its Instagram bio, which signifies support for Hamas, according to the ADL.

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”The symbol first appeared in propaganda videos promoted by the al-Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas, which showed footage of Hamas terrorists attacking Israeli military targets. In these videos, Hamas would point out the target using the inverted red triangle,” the ADL wrote.