Columbia University anti-Israel group says they're 'fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization'

​An anti-Israel group at Columbia University said they're fighting to "eradicate" Western civilization.

An anti-Israel group at Columbia University said they’re fighting to “eradicate” Western civilization.

Columbia University Apartheid Divest and Columbia University’s Bengali Student Association made the statement in an Instagram post discussing the uprising in Bangladesh.

”We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization. We stand in full solidarity with every movement for liberation in the Global South. Our Intifada is an internationalist one-we are fighting for nothing less than the liberation of all people. We reject every genocidal, eugenicist regime that seeks to undermine the personhood of the colonized,” the organizations wrote.

”As the fascism ingrained in the American consciousness becomes ever more explicit and irrefutable, we seek community and instruction from militants in the Global South, who have been on the frontlines in the fight against tyranny and domination which undergird the imperialist world order,” they added.

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In the post, the two groups described themselves as “the militants of Hind’s Hall,” referring to the takeover of a Columbia University building during the anti-Israel encampment in April.

”As we, the militants of Hind’s Hall, continue our fight for Palestine from within the belly of the beast, we draw inspiration not only from the Palestinian resistance but from every struggle for liberation across the globe,” the groups wrote.

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According to the BBC, Bangladesh’s leader, Sheikh Hasina, resigned after weeks of protests that were student-led.

Campus Reform reached out to Columbia University for comment.