Expelled Vanderbilt anti-Israel protester who previously met with Kamala Harris now faces possible yearlong jail sentence

​An anti-Israel protester at Vanderbilt University faces almost a year in jail after he participated in a sit-in demonstration in the chancellor's office.

Vanderbilt and @Jack_Petocz

An anti-Israel protester at Vanderbilt University faces almost a year in jail after he participated in a sit-in demonstration in the chancellor’s office.

Jack Petocz, who was expelled from Vanderbilt University, faces charges relating to an alleged assault against Chief of Staff Dawn Turton and security guard Tony Brown during a March 26 sit-in protest of Chancellor Daniel Diermeier’s office to WPLN

They were protesting the vote cancellation to change the student government constitution. University administration canceled a campus vote on a proposed change to the student government constitution, which would have prevented student government funds from going to businesses that work with Israel.

Video released by the university shows students forcing their way into the administrative building.

Judge Lynda Jones ruled during a preliminary hearing on Thursday that there was probable cause, and told Petocz he’s facing a possible jail sentence of up to 11 months and 29 days for the assault charge.

[RELATED: Vanderbilt University suspends, expels students who occupied chancellor’s office during pro-Palestinian protest]

Jones said Petocz may face more time if state prosecutors charge him with aggravated criminal trespass, a Class E felony.

Quoting Martin Luther King Jr., Jones said there’s a fine line between free speech and violence.

“There is a line between free speech and violence … Remember, young man: ‘Non-violence is a powerful and just weapon that … is a sword that heals, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it,’” Jones said.

Brown, the security guard, said during the hearing that he received “heat treatment,” pain relievers, and X-rays for injuries to his wrist and arm as a result of the incident.

“A female student approached the external doors, the main entrance, and at the time, I opened the door and told her she was not granted access into the building,” Brown said. “At that time, two, three other students … ran up the steps, grabbed the door. And other students came up behind them, and they forcefully forced their way into the building.”

Petocz told the judge that “These events did not occur in a vacuum.”

“There have been many sit-ins at Kirkland (Hall) in the past … I never intended to harm anyone or cause anyone to feel unsafe. Again, I have a lot of experience organizing, and I would never conduct myself in that matter,” he said. “I did not push past the security guard, nor do I think I pushed past Dr. Turton.”

[RELATED: Three Vanderbilt students charged with assault after shoving officer, forcing way into building for sit-in: WATCH]

Because of his activism in high school, Petocz met with President Biden in July 2023. He was pictured with Democrat Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris in June 2023.

According to Red State, one of the students arrested, Jack Petocz, previously organized rallies protesting two school board members who were attempting to remove inappropriate books from school libraries.

Petocz also participated in a walkout at his high school protesting legislation in Florida branded by left-wing media as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

Two other former students facing assault charges related to the incident, Devron Burks and Samuel Shulman, have hearings in late November.