Former Antifa supporter: Leftist profs who support group 'effectively condone' violence
Nadales wrote in a recent op-ed that he supports labeling the group he was once part of as a terrorist organization.
Former Antifa supporter and current conservative activist Gabriel Nadales says leftist professors are advancing a false narrative when they speak in favor of or defend Antifa.
Former Antifa supporter and current Leadership Institute Regional Field Coordinator Gabriel Nadales sounded off against professors who promote or defend the ideas and tactics of Antifa, which President Donald Trump has said he is considering labeling a terrorist organization.
Nadales, an employee of Campus Reform’s parent organization, wrote in a recent op-ed for The Hill that professor who do so are only serving to advance the false narrative that Antifa is against fascism.
”The name ‘Antifa’ sounds good and the goal of ‘fighting fascism’ is undoubtedly a draw to many well-intentioned, idealistic people, both young and old,” Nadales wrote. He also said that “Antifa doesn’t stand for anything, only against whatever it decides to define as fascist.”
[RELATED: Prof quoted as saying ‘I don’t have a problem with’ Antifa violence]
”It is made up of dozens, if not hundreds, of left-wing organizations, both at the local and national levels. Each group has its own goals and aspirations — some advocate for animal rights, environmental rights or socialism. The groups come together behind a unifying black mask whenever there is a call to action, spread through word-of-mouth or social media,” Nadales added.
”At that point, the groups abandon their ethos and become part of the mob-like collective that is Antifa,” he wrote.
As Campus Reform has reported, Nadales pointed out how “some professors join Antifa-related groups, while others have helped Antifa to organize nationally on college campuses.” But Nadales said these professors are doing their students no favors.
”Leftist professors who promote Antifa are only furthering the misconception that it is about fighting fascism, and their support effectively condones intimidation and violence as a way to affect change,” the former Antifa supporter wrote.
[RELATED: What academic Antifa wants (OPINION)]
As a solution, Nadales expressed support for Trump labeling the group he once was a part of as a domestic terror organization.
”I can honestly say that I would never have become involved with a group that the U.S. government considers to be terrorists,” Nadales said.
”Labeling Antifa as a terrorist organization would help universities to dampen pro-Antifa movements and defund work that promotes political violence. Finally, a domestic terrorist label would help federal authorities to thwart Antifa’s plans to commit violence,” he added.
”This plan would take the fight to extremist groups, instead of waiting for a rally in order to arrest Antifa followers after they create havoc on public streets, Nadales wrote.
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