Harvard anti-Israel group starts ‘Harvard Crimeson’ paper, claims it is racist to say Intifadas are violent

The new ‘Harvard Crimeson’ paper, named in apparent mockery of The Harvard Crimson, features several anti-Israel articles.

An article in the new publication wrote that ‘From the river to the sea,’ which many view as an anti-Semitic call to violence, stands for ‘freedom, liberty, and dignity.’

Screenshot taken from Instagram of the Undergraduate Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee.

Harvard’s Undergraduate Palestinian Solidarity Committee (PSC) has unveiled a new student publication run by anti-Israel students: The Harvard Crimeson

The PSC advertised the new paper on Instagram on May 23, with the cover story of the publication reading: “THERE ARE NO UNIVERSITIES LEFT IN GAZA,” featuring a picture of the John Harvard statue on campus with a rocket in front that is inscribed with the red letters: “PAID FOR BY HARVARD.”

Stating the reasoning behind the new paper’s founding, the PSC wrote: “Want to know more about Harvard’s crimes? Read the latest issue of the @harvardcrimeson — a new group dedicated to revealing Harvard’s complicity in genocide — to learn all about it.”

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On The Harvard Crimeson’s Instagram, the group outlines the paper’s apparent focus and mission, stating: “Harvard University funds and morally defends the genocide in Gaza. Read our inaugural issue, free online now.”

One article, titled “NOT ANOTHER NICKEL, NOT ANOTHER DIME: How Harvard Financially Supports Israeli Occupation,” claims that, through its investments in companies that have ties to the Jewish state, Harvard is funding what the group alleges is Israeli oppression of Palestinians. 

Another article is titled “How am I supposed to Feel Safe at a University That Bankrolls the Slaughter of My People?” The anonymous author alleges he was treated poorly by Harvard professors due to his Palestinian identity. 

“It is no longer a question of if Palestine will be free — it is a matter of when,” the article concludes. 

Another article, “A Palestine Exception to The Crimson’s Editorial Board,” criticizes The Harvard Crimson, whose name the new publication spoofs. 

“Instead of condemning Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza, denouncing the congressional witch hunt into campus antisemitism, and coming to the defense of their peers’ right to free speech, the [Crimson’s] Board has stayed quiet on the slaughter of 35,000 Palestinians, urged Harvard to capitulate to a bad faith Congress, and cheered on the University’s draconian sanctions of student protestors,” the Crimeson claims

The Crimeson also published an article: “Distorted Rhetoric: A Dictionary for Discussing Palestine,” which claims to provide a guide for the meaning of certain anti-Israel words and slogans. 

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The group defines “Intifada,” a term that refers to violent uprisings in which Palestinians murder Israelis, as “an uprising or resistance movement against oppression,” and alleges that “[t]he suggestion that the word intifada calls for murder, let alone annihilation, is rooted in a racist distortion.”

The article also alleges that the slogan, “From the river to the sea,” which some see as a genocidal call for the murder and ethnic cleansing of Jews, is a call for “freedom, liberty, and dignity.”

Campus Reform has reached out to Harvard University and The Harvard Crimeson for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.