‘I SPLIT MY PANTS’: Jen Psaki recounts embarrassing moment in GWU commencement speech

‘I want you to remember that I split my pants in front of the future leader of the Free World and he called it x-rated,’ Psaki said.

The commencement ceremony saw more than 100 anti-Israel activists walking out to protest the Jewish State.

At George Washington University’s commencement ceremony, former Biden White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki gave an odd speech to students in which she recounted a time when she “split [her] pants” in front of former president Barack Obama.

Psaki spoke to graduates on May 19, saying: “If you think something you do in the next 10 years or 15 years is so embarrassing that it will ruin your career, I want you to remember that I split my pants in front of the future leader of the Free World and he called it x-rated.”

[RELATED: Graduation ceremonies nationwide plagued by disruptive Pro-Hamas demonstrations]

Circling back on the claim, she further stated: “You may learn more about who you are by messing up. I certainly have. And if you handle these moments well and handle your mistakes well they could become funny anecdotes that you tell at dinner parties. Or dates. Or during a commencement speech on the National Mall.”

Earlier in the speech, she mentioned how graduates had to deal with the fallout from the Covid 19 lockdowns several years ago: “You had to learn to adapt to a frightening Global crisis that many adults struggled to deal with. You were cheated of all of the normal experience [sic]. And if you feel that way, that’s completely fair. You were cheated. But the thing is, you all persevered.” 

“And you’ve emerged stronger and with a better understanding of the world than most graduating classes before you. And in the process, you earned [sic] the importance of resilience and the ability to respond to circumstances you can’t control firsthand.”

More than 100 graduating students staged a protest, leaving the graduation ceremony in protest against Israel’s military operations in Gaza in response to Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist massacre of Jewish civilians. 

One of the students protesting the Jewish State mentioned that the demonstrators received a lot of “pushback,” with some “chanting the national anthem at us.” She also alleged that some were “telling us to go home, go back to our country.”

[RELATED: Harvard commencement speaker who compared Jews to Hitler praises pro-Hamas demonstrations]

In November, GWU suspended the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at the school after the group projected anti-Israel images on the university’s library building. One of the images projected contained the words: “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” a slogan that many claim is a genocidal call for the extermination of Jews in Israel. 

Campus Reform reached out to George Washington University and the school’s Students for Justice in Palestine for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.