Left-leaning groups ask Justice Department to investigate law enforcement response to campus anti-Israel encampments

A group of left-leaning organizations asked the Department of Justice to investigate the law enforcement response to anti-Israel encampments that popped up at college campuses across the country.

A group of left-leaning organizations asked the Department of Justice to investigate the law enforcement response to anti-Israel encampments that popped up at college campuses across the country.

According to NBC News, over a dozen organizations including Amnesty International, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, as well as Jewish and Arab groups asked the Department of Justice and Education Department on Thursday to “take immediate action to address possible civil rights violations committed by university officials in connection with peaceful protests on campuses.”

The New York Times reported that around 3,100 people have been either arrested or detained in connection with the anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

The letter written by left-leaning groups accused some law enforcement agencies of using “militarized force and tactics” against protesters.

[RELATED: Jewish students sue UCLA, claim school allowed anti-Israel protesters to block them from campus]

“These actions require immediate investigation by DOJ and, as they pertain to educational institutions, by ED to ensure that the federal and constitutional rights of all protesters have been and remain protected,” the groups wrote.

Specifically, the groups asked the Justice Department to look at how law enforcement agencies responded to campus anti-Israel protests in New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas.

Additionally, the groups also asked the Education Department to look at whether administrators at Emory University, Columbia University, the University of Texas at Austin, and UCLA violated the Civil Rights Act.

Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University broke into a campus building and vandalized portions of it, which eventually prompted administrators to send in the NYPD to break up the encampment.

[RELATED: Meet the Indiana University students and faculty arrested at Hamas-endorsed encampment]

At UCLA, Jewish students allege that the anti-Israel encampment protesters blocked them from accessing portions of campus.