Mississippi public universities rebrand diversity offices as neighboring state takes action to cut DEI divisions

​Several public colleges and universities in Mississippi are rebranding their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offices.

Several public colleges and universities in Mississippi are rebranding their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offices.

The University of Southern Mississippi announced on July 1 that its diversity division was renamed to the “Office of Community and Belonging” and will be devoted to serving a bigger audience, a spokesperson for the institution told Mississippi Today.

Mississippi State University’s diversity office presented a plan to faculty on a restructuring that was announced in fall 2023.

Jacob Batte, a spokesman for Ole Miss, told the outlet that an internal review on the matter is being conducted.

[RELATED: Auburn University dissolves DEI office ahead of state law taking effect]

“University leaders are working to determine the best way to align our resources to focus on what matters for educational attainment and student success,” Batte said.  “We anticipate some changes will be forthcoming, but the internal review is not completed.”

Many diversity offices at Alabama universities recently closed ahead of a state law taking effect on Oct. 1 that bans DEI programs and certain “divisive concepts” from being taught.

[RELATED: University of Alabama System ends DEI offices ahead of anti-DEI law taking effect]

Auburn University announced it will close its Office of Inclusion and Diversity will by Aug. 15 to comply with the law.

The University of Alabama System also announced that its DEI offices would also close on its campuses.