National anti-Israel group promotes summer school for 'political education' and 'skill building'

The National SJP described the program as: 'Online political education & skill building. ALL. SUMMER. LONG.'

The National Students for Justice in Palestine has asked for students to sign up for its 2024 summer school, which consists of “online political education” and “skill building.”

In the post advertising the program on Instagram, the group asked students to register for the programming by June 24 using a link found at the group’s Instagram bio. 

Captioning the post, the SJP stated: “In the aftermath of the most impactful years of Palestine student organizing in decades, National Students for Justice in Palestine invites student organizers and movement partners to deepen our understanding of our current political moment and develop our organizational and leadership skills, with the aim of entrenching the frameworks necessary to sustain and grow the Student Intifada in the coming academic year.”

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The group advertised the event to students, describing it as: “Online political education & skill building. ALL. SUMMER. LONG.”

Continuing, the SJP stated: “Who is the Revolution? We are the Revolution.”

In the application, the group further described the event as an “[o]nline retreat for SJP organizers and the broader student movement to consolidate the lessons and advancements of the last academic year, to deepen our understanding of our current political moment, and to develop our organizational and leadership skills, with the aim of entrenching the lessons and frameworks necessary to sustain and grow our work in the coming academic year.”

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The SJP group also asked students who lead their pro-Hamas college groups to fill out the registration form on behalf of any members who would like to attend, and asked for two references of students who are not attending but “[c]an verify the legitimacy of your group and the members who wish to attend.”

The group also claimed in the application portal that “given the heightened repression faced by student organizers, we take vetting and security practices very seriously.” In the application portal, the group required applicants to provide social media links and emails in order to vet contacts of references.

The National SJP also included a list of organizations it approves of, including various SJP chapters, Muslim Student Association chapters, Young Democratic Socialists of America, and Jewish Voice for Peace.

Campus Reform has contacted the National SJP for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.