New furry club comes to California Polytechnic State University

‘Honestly, a lot of people who weren’t even furries or interested in the fandom came up to us during the club fair just to ask questions about what we’re doing and if they can pet the costumes,’ a club member said.

The new club follows a seeming trend of more and more furry clubs being founded on different campuses.

A new club for “furries” was recently registered at California Polytechnic State University. 

The club attained official recognition in this semester, Mustang News reported

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a “furry” as someone who “identifies with and enjoys sometimes dressing as anthropomorphic animals or creatures especially as a member of a fandom devoted to the practice.”

[RELATED: New Furries club attempts to gain official recognition at Fordham University] 

Recognized Student Organizations on campus are eligible to receive as much as $450 every fiscal year. 

The club’s vice president, identified only as “Two,” likened the presence of furries to “exposure therapy,” saying: “People get upset the first couple of times, but it gets better the more people are exposed to it. Honestly, a lot of people who weren’t even furries or interested in the fandom came up to us during the club fair just to ask questions about what we’re doing and if they can pet the costumes,” Mustang News wrote

“Trev,” one of the club’s co-presidents, said: “I hope to keep finding more people . . . The reality is there’s always going to be some furries out there. With every single incoming class, there’s going to be more of them,” according to Mustang News

Similar furry clubs have been appearing at other universities as well. 

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The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is home to a furries club allegedly meant to be a “fun and safe environment for people who are or [who] support furries to share their ideas freely without the fear of prosecution.” The club currently has 133 members. 

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale also features a “Saluki Furry Society” to “discuss and partake in ‘Furry’ related topics and events.” The group’s events “are treated as LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces.”

Campus Reform has reached out to California Polytechnic State University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.