NYU updates code of conduct, will no longer let anti-Semites hide under guise of ‘anti-Zionism’

The university wrote that “[u]sing code words, like ‘Zionist,’ does not eliminate the possibility that your speech violates the [Nondiscrimination and anti-harassment] Policy.”

The new policy bans, among other things, “excluding Zionists from an open event, calling for the death of Zionists, [or] applying a ‘no Zionist’ litmus test for participation in any NYU activity.”

New York University (NYU) has revised its student code of conduct to clarify that certain phrases or actions targeting Zionism would violate university regulations. 

In a specific passage that has been updated by NYU administrators, the code of conduct now reads that “[u]sing code words, like ‘Zionist,’ does not eliminate the possibility that your speech violates the NDAH [Nondiscrimination and anti-harassment] Policy.” 

The new language in the code of conduct clarifies that “[f]or many Jewish people, Zionism is a part of their Jewish identity,” and adds: “Speech and conduct that would violate the NDAH if targeting Jewish or Israeli people can also violate the NDAH if directed toward Zionists.”

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Many have pointed out that anti-Israel activists’ attacks on Zionism can be used as a cloak to hide anti-Semitism. 

The new policy provides several examples of activities that would go against university regulations, including “excluding Zionists from an open event, calling for the death of Zionists, applying a ‘no Zionist’ litmus test for participation in any NYU activity, using or disseminating tropes, stereotypes, and conspiracies about Zionists (e.g., ‘Zionists control the media’), demanding a person who is or is perceived to be Jewish or Israeli to state a position on Israel or Zionism, minimizing or denying the Holocaust, or invoking Holocaust imagery or symbols to harass or discriminate.”

NYU also clarifies that supporting or criticizing a nation’s “policies or practices” would not go against school regulations, unless such conduct is “infused with discriminatory comments.”

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The university policy update follows turbulence that occurred on NYU’s campus in the spring semester, when anti-Israel protesters disrupted student life and sparked outrage from community members. 

Anti-Israel protesters also found themselves at the center of a controversy when they announced their apparent openness to using “armed struggle” to further their aims, an announcement that drew NYU’s swift condemnation. 

NYU wrote at the time that it has “zero tolerance for the use of violence, and is shocked that any members of our campus community would endorse ‘armed struggle’ as a ‘tactic.’”

Campus Reform has contacted New York University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.