Org that co-hosted 'Sexy Little Poems' event to hold special graduation for non-straight students and 'allies'

Pace University is hosting the Lavender Graduation for LGBT-identifying students in Pleasantville, New York on May 7.

The ceremony is organized by the LGBTQA+ Center, which has given out awards like 'Trans/Gender Non-Conforming/Non-Binary Leadership Award' and 'Intersectional Event of the Year.'

A private university in New York is planning a Lavender Graduation for LGBT-identifying students on Wednesday.

Pace University, which has campuses in Manhattan and Westchester County, is hosting the event that is scheduled in Pleasantville on May 7.

“Join the LGBTQA Center for the 2024 Lavender Awards Ceremony to recognize Pace University students, staff, faculty, and alumni who have made lasting contributions to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally community,” an event description reads. The page lists the event type as “Multicultural and Diversity.”

[RELATED: Boston University offering segregated graduations for LGBTQ, black, and ‘Latine/x’ students]

This is not the first time the university has hosted the event, which dates back to at least 2021. 

Each year, the LGBTQA+ Center gives out awards at the graduation, including a $1,000 scholarship to a member of the “LGBTQA+ community.” Other awards include include the “Student Advocate of the Year,” “Staff/Faculty Ally of the Year,” “Intersectional Event of the Year,” and “Trans/Gender Non-Conforming/Non-Binary Leadership Award.” 

The “Intersectional Event of the Year” award went to “Living Through Queer History: An Intergenerational Conversation with SAGE,” which occurred at the school on Feb. 26.

“By proudly promoting identity expression, self-determination, and exploration for all students, faculty, and staff,” the center’s web page states, “the Center creates an inclusive and supportive environment on campus.” 

“Students are highly encouraged to participate and even lead efforts in advocacy, education, activism, and programming in an overall commitment to social justice,” it continues. The center offers opportunities for students to show a “commitment to social justice” in addition to its Lavender Graduation each year.

In April, the center hosted an event called “Sexy Little Poems,” in conjunction with the Queer Studies Department. “Forget about Pornhub,” an event flier says, “Join us for select readings of homo-erotica with the Queer Studies department and the Center!” 

Another Instagram post from April 10 encourages students to “update” their “lived name,” preferred pronouns, and “gender identification” through the school page. 

The center also celebrated a “Day of (No) Silence” in April and the “Trans Day of Visibility” in March. 

[RELATED: NY Catholic university plans second segregated ‘Lavender Graduation’]

The LGBTQA+ Center’s Instagram also mentioned a Lavender Graduation that was to take place at the New York City campus on April 15. However, the page on the university’s site is broken. 

Pace has not responded to Campus Reform’s request for clarification on the status of the ceremony.

Campus Reform also contacted the LGBTQA+ Center for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.