Penn State to host trans-friendly workshop on 'The Female Orgasm'
The event will be presented by a group called "Sex Discussed Here!," which boasts that its programs always include students who “describe their gender identity as something other than what they were assigned at birth.”
The Penn State Center for Women Students is sponsoring a workshop on "The Female Orgasm" that is at least partially funded by student fees.
Penn State will be hosting a workshop on the female orgasm that is at least partially funded by student activity fees.
The Penn State Center for Women Students is bringing in Sex Discussed Here!, an organization that provides sex education to college students, to host a workshop called “The Female Orgasm” Tuesday night, The Daily Collegian reports.
The workshop “combines sex education and women's empowerment with a hearty dose of laughter,” according to an online description, and discusses topics such as G-Spot stimulation, “to fake or not to fake” an orgasm, multiple orgasms, and media portrayal of women’s bodies.
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“We all realize that a lot is left out in general sex education,” CWS Programming Coordinator Jennifer Pencek told The Collegian. “We want students to know it’s okay to talk about, that it’s not shameful and actually beneficial for both partners.”
According to the Women’s Center website, the program will be partially funded with UPAC Student Activity Fees, which are paid by students and then used for events or other items “that will ultimately enhance student life, add value to the out of class experience, and/or improve the educational climate at the University Park campus.”
Sex Discussed Here! admits that the “program’s eye-catching title has occasionally been known to give the jitters to college administrators” but insists that the programming is “tasteful and appropriate,” reassuring school officials that they can “breathe easy” because “staff and administrators who attend the program describe it as appropriate and even important for college students.”
The group also boasts about its LGBT inclusivity, writing that its programs always include students who identify as “transgender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, agender, intersex, and/or describe their gender identity as something other than what they were assigned at birth.”
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Sex Discussed Here! also proudly proclaims that “when talking about anatomy, we do not use words like ‘man’ or ‘woman,’ recognizing that anatomy does not determine gender identity.”
In addition to being partially funded by student fees, Sex Discussed Here! will provide Penn State with five free “I love female orgasm” t-shirts, 10 buttons, and 30 publicity posters, with additional materials available for purchase during the event.
Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @amber_athey