Police dismantle six-week anti-Israel camp at CSU Channel Islands

Though the dispersal involves no arrests, one student called it a ‘terrifying event.’

‘As we prepare for a new academic year, it is imperative that University operations continue without interruption and welcome all members of the campus and external community,’ the university president wrote.

Police took down an anti-Israel encampment at California State University, Channel Islands on Sunday.

The encampment lasted for roughly six weeks, having begun on May 13, and involved students who demanded that the school end its financial ties to Israel.

Campus police told the demonstrators to depart from campus grounds on Sunday, which the protesters proceeded to do. Though the encampment ended without fighting or arrests, one protester said, “It was a terrifying event.”

[RELATED: Pro-Israel counter-protesters attempt to dismantle UCLA encampment after administrators declare it unlawful]

“OUR PEACEFUL ENCAMPMENT WAS SWEPT‼” a group called Ventura County for the Party for Socialism & Liberation posted to Instagram on Monday. “Even with 30 faculty members signing on to a letter AGAINST this violent sweep, and with administrations [sic] prior emphasis that we were peaceful, our administration chose to bring in the full force of the police to sweep our encampment!”

“They didn’t just expel us from the camp, they expelled students from CAMPUS,” the group explained. “We are appalled by the violent decisions taken by administration, and we assure them that our determination to continue to fight for Palestine is that much more resolute! We will keep fighting until total liberation!”

On Sunday, before the camp was ended, the group wrote: “While we’re still pursing [sic] academic boycott, and a Presidential letter calling to an end to the genocide, we are focusing primarily on DIVESTMENT! Defund from the genocidal war machine.”

[RELATED: UCLA warned nearly 60 anti-Israel demonstrators of possible withholding of degrees due to disorderly protests]

CSU Channel Islands President Richard Yao explained to the VC Star the decision to disperse the encampment. 

“I and members of the University’s leadership team worked in good faith over many weeks to meet and resolve the demands put forth by SJP. As we prepare for a new academic year, it is imperative that University operations continue without interruption and welcome all members of the campus and external community,” he wrote. 

Campus Reform has contacted California State University, Channel Islands for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.