Pro-Hamas NYU alumni 'commend' anti-Israel grads, call for job referrals on behalf of 'courageous' activists

The New York University Alumni for Justice in Palestine group recently took to Instagram to request 'jobs and referrals for NYU’s Palestine activists.'

The group also endorses divestment from Israel, demanding that NYU '[d]ivest from companies and institutions active in the Israeli occupation and genocide in Palestine.'

The New York University Alumni for Justice in Palestine group recently took to Instagram to request “jobs and referrals for NYU’s Palestine activists.”

In a May 23 post, the group wrote: “It is our duty to take care of our own. It’s time for our network of over 3,000+ alumni to support our students as they kickstart their careers.”

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The group also stated: “We are organizing our network of 3,100+ NYU alumni to offer jobs, referrals, and interview tips to recent graduates of the NYU Palestine Solidarity Coalition.”

Praising the anti-Israel protests of recent NYU graduates who caused disruptions in day-to-day student life, the group also stated: “We reject all attempts to dox pro-Palestinian student activists and hinder their ability to find jobs post-graduation. We commend them for their courageous advocacy and leadership and we are here to support them as they kickstart their careers.”

The NYU Alumni for Palestine website organizes job opportunities and encourages alumni to support anti-Israel graduates. The website also asks alumni to fill out a form for direct referrals, who will then vet a list of recent graduates to connect former members of NYU’s Palestine Solidarity Coalition to offer advice on resumes and interview preparation.

When alumni fill out the form, they are also asked to check an “Attestation” box that states: “I can confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, my employer does not dox individuals for their personal activism and advocacy. This includes any activism they may do on their own time (and outside of work hours) for Palestine or other human rights causes.”

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In an open letter to NYU leadership on its website, the alumni group writes: “We, the undersigned alumni of New York University, express our deepest disappointment in your administration’s continued complicity in the genocide in Gaza, and your response to NYU students, faculty, and staff peacefully and rightfully protesting this complicity.”

The group also endorses divestment from Israel, demanding that NYU “[d]ivest from companies and institutions active in the Israeli occupation and genocide in Palestine. There is a moral imperative to call for divestment from entities whose actions run contrary to the University’s established values.”

Campus Reform has contacted New York University and the NYU Alumni for Palestine group for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.