Pro-Hamas student groups plan to continue protests at universities nationwide

‘The administration will have no peace until they divest all holdings from weapons manufacturers and the Zionist entity,’ stated one group.

Another group said: ‘Going forward, the student movement will keep organizing the student body and politicizing our campuses to stand against being made complicit in genocide by our institutions.’

Anti-Israel student groups at universities across the country have recently described their plans to continue their demonstrations and encampments during the fall semester.

“The administration will have no peace until they divest all holdings from weapons manufacturers and the Zionist entity [Israel],” the University of Chicago’s chapter of the pro-Hamas group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) told the Washington Examiner. “The university’s repression of pro-Palestine students only breeds resistance,” the group said.

Colorado State University’s SJP chapter also told the Examiner that it plans to “engage in further action this semester” and that it would continue its demonstrations “until Palestine is free and the genocide ends.”

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The Examiner also received statements of intent to continue anti-Israel protests from groups at Kent State University, California State University, Fullerton, the University of Texas at Austin, and Swarthmore College.

“Going forward, the student movement will keep organizing the student body and politicizing our campuses to stand against being made complicit in genocide by our institutions,” said the University of Houston at Fullerton’s SJP chapter.

The SJP chapters mentioned are not the only campus groups that have expressed their desire to continue with disruptive anti-Israel protests in the future. 

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“What we will see [is] the students will continue their activism, will continue doing what they’ve done in conventional and unconventional ways,” said Mahmoud Khalil, a member of Columbia University Apartheid Divest. “So not only protests, not only encampments, kind of any — any available means necessary to push Columbia to divest from from [sic] Israel.”

Khalil stated that protesters have been “working all this summer” on how to further “pressure Columbia.”

Campus Reform has contacted the University of Chicago, Colorado State University, and the University of Houston for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.