Proposed GOP platform calls for 'sane' and 'affordable' higher ed

The GOP has included several goals related to higher education, like making university tuition affordable and driving out what the party sees as leftist ideologies from institutions.

In its new platform, the Republican Party included several goals related to higher education in its proposed reforms, including making university tuition affordable and driving out what the party sees as far-left ideologies from institutions.

The platform was finalized on July 8 and will be voted on during the Republican National Convention, which will take place from Monday to Thursday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

One of the goals presented in the 2024 GOP platform is to restore “accessible higher education” by driving down tuition costs.

“To reduce the cost of Higher Education, Republicans will support the creation of additional, drastically more affordable alternatives to a traditional four-year College degree,” the platform states.

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In an attempt to remedy what many see as the problem of excessive tuition costs, the Republican platform states that it is the party’s goal to “Make Colleges and Universities Sane and Affordable.”

“Republicans will fire Radical Left accreditors, drive down Tuition costs, restore Due Process protections, and pursue Civil Rights cases against Schools that discriminate,” the platform explains.

The platform also contains an element that attempts to respond to the rampant increase in anti-Semitism across the country, which is especially prevalent on college campuses. “We will hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people,” the platform states.

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), reported anti-Semitic incidents on college campuses rose over 1,000 percent following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas against Israel.

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The Republicans’ platform also states that the party will restore a liberal arts education and respond to what the group sees as the infiltration of American colleges by left-wing ideologies.

“Overcome the Crisis in Liberal Arts Education,” reads one of the goals on the party’s political agenda, “Republicans support the restoration of Classic Liberal Arts Education.”

“Republicans Will End Left-wing Gender Insanity,” states another goal. “We will keep men out of women’s sports, ban Taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries, and stop Taxpayer-funded Schools from promoting gender transition, reverse Biden’s radical rewrite of Title IX Education Regulations, and restore protections for women and girls.”