REALLY?: Harvard flips decision to suspend 5 anti-Israel encampment protesters

The decision to suspend five students who participated in an anti-Israel encampment was reversed by the Harvard College Administrative Board.

Screenshot taken from X account of Micky Herzl.

The decision to suspend five students who participated in an anti-Israel encampment was reversed by the Harvard College Administrative Board.

According to the Harvard Crimson, the five students had their disciplinary actions dropped from suspensions to probation.

Harvard’s Ad Board previously prevented 13 graduating seniors from receiving their diplomas.

The reversal in punishments came after students and faculty crticicized the punishments as unreasonable and too harsh, with over 1,000 people walking out of Harvard’s graduation ceremony.

[RELATED: Harvard places another 10 students on probation for encampment, anti-Israel group claims]

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine, a group that helped organize the encampment, celebrated the decision in an Instagram post on Wednesday.

”After sustained student and faculty organizing, Harvard has caved in, showing that the student intifada will always prevail. As Israeli forces continue to massacre Gaza, we must remember the strength of our power and continue to call for this complicit institution to divest,” the group wrote.

[RELATED: NYU Abu Dhabi student deported after shouting ‘Free Palestine!’ during graduation: Report]

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine warned that the reversal of suspensions is “a bare minimum.”