Rep. Foxx threatens to subpoena Northwestern after 'obstruction' of campus anti-Semitism investigation

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) threatened to subpoena Northwestern University after they allegedly obstructed the House Education and the Workforce Committee's investigation into anti-Semitism on campus.

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) threatened to subpoena Northwestern University after they allegedly obstructed the House Education and the Workforce Committee’s investigation into anti-Semitism on campus.

In the letter sent on June 7 to Northwestern University President Michael Schill and Board of Trustees Chair Peter J. Barris, Foxx said that the institution has repeatedly obstructed its investigation, adding that Schill gave “evasive and misleading” testimony before Congress in late May.

”The Committee will not tolerate Northwestern’s obstruction of its oversight and is prepared to compel the production of documents and testimony, if necessary,” Foxx wrote. Northwestern’s capitulation to its antisemitic encampment and its impeding of the Committee’s oversight are unbecoming of a leading university.”

”Northwestern President Michael Schill impeded the Committee during his May 23, 2024, testimony by the fact that he pointedly refused to answer questions from Committee members, made statements at odds with the public record – including statements that contradicted the text of the Agreement on Deering Meadow (the Agreement) – and demonstrated an overall attitude of contempt for the Committee. President Schill’s obstructive conduct comes on top of Northwestern’s ongoing failure to comply with the Committee’s May 10 document request,” she added.

[RELATED: Northwestern, Rutgers, and UCLA leaders all claim they don’t know who started encampments]

During the hearing on May 23, Schill told Congress that consulting Jewish students on matters related to the school’s negotiations with pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers would have been “impractical.”

”I’m asking you about what the university put out there is no mention of Israeli students or Israeli faculty. Isn’t that the case?” Stefanik asked.

”In the the agreement that we reached that there wasn’t Israeli students there or Jewish students,” Schill responded.

”Because they weren’t consulted? Isn’t that the fact? Jewish and Israeli students were not consulted?” Stefanik asked.

[RELATED: Northwestern president says it would have been too ‘impractical’ to consult Jewish students amid negotiations with pro-Hamas agitators]

”Jewish and Israeli students were not consulted with respect to the agreement,” Schill responded.

Schill also said he didn’t know which groups started anti-Israel encampments on Northwestern’s campus.