Riley Gaines launches new Title IX Training

‘This training provides the essential tools for those who want to be a voice for women and girls and ensure their rights are protected,’ Riley Gaines said.

The new training comes after efforts by the Biden-Harris administration to distort the meaning of Title IX protections by applying them to men who ‘identify’ as women.

On Sept. 17, the Riley Gaines Center at the Leadership Institute (LI) launched a new online Title IX training, aimed at educating individuals across the country about the history of the federal rule and the recent changes threatening its original purpose. The training is designed to provide students, parents, educators, and activists with essential knowledge to advocate for fairness and integrity in education, athletics, and beyond. 

For those concerned about the future of women’s sports and educational opportunities, this training offers critical insights into how Title IX has evolved and how recent policy changes are putting female athletes and students at risk.

Title IX, passed in 1972, is a landmark piece of legislation intended to prevent sex-based discrimination in any federally funded educational program. However, as Riley Gaines, a former collegiate athlete and founder of the Riley Gaines Center, explains, recent shifts in policy have sparked a heated debate. 

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“Title IX was created to empower women, and ensure fair treatment in educational and athletic spaces,” Gaines said. “This training provides the essential tools for those who want to be a voice for women and girls and ensure their rights are protected.” 

The Riley Gaines Center’s Title IX Training Online comes at a critical time. Under the Biden-Harris administration, significant legal changes have been made to Title IX that threaten the rights and opportunities of women in education and sports. The current administration changed Title IX protections to include “gender identity,” which undermines the very purpose of the law by allowing males to compete in women’s sports and share spaces like locker rooms with female athletes. 

The new Title IX Training Online addresses these concerns by offering participants practical guidance on how to understand and challenge these recent legal shifts. It also provides strategic advice on advocating for sex-based rights in schools and on college campuses. 

Riley Gaines and her team of ambassadors are at the forefront of this fight. Riley’s experience competing against “transgender” swimmer William Thomas, along with the growing number of stories from other female athletes and students, has fueled her mission to advocate for fairness in women’s sports.

One of Gaines’ ambassadors, Kaitlynn Wheeler, a fellow swimmer at the University of Kentucky, faced a similar situation. In 2022, during the NCAA championships, Kaitlynn was forced to undress in the same locker room as male swimmer, William Thomas. The violation of privacy Kaitlynn experienced extended to her sister, another Riley Gaines ambassador, Abbigail Wheeler. Abbigail bravely spoke out about being exposed to a male in her YMCA locker room, and she was then banned from her swim team and kicked out of the facility. 

These women, along with many others, are determined to prevent the erosion of women’s rights that Title IX was designed to protect. Their stories have become powerful examples of why the new Online Title IX Training is so necessary. 

[RELATED: Over 20 states sue Biden Admin for ‘destroying women’s sports’ with Title IX changes]

The training also provides resources from Southeastern Legal Foundation, offering participants an in-depth overview of Title IX history and advocacy that upholds fairness and women’s rights. 

Southeastern Legal Foundation’s guidance for the training also offers an opportunity to gain a “deep understanding of Title IX’s legal complexities and how to challenge policies that undermine women’s rights.”

Title IX Training Online aims to equip more people with the knowledge and tools to join the fight alongside Riley and her team of Ambassadors. 

With the future of women’s sports and sex-based rights hanging in the balance, this training is a vital step in ensuring that Title IX continues to serve its original purpose: protecting the rights of women and girls to compete and succeed on an equal playing field. 

To enroll in the free Title IX Training Online and learn more about the work of the Riley Gaines Center, visit

Campus Reform is a project of LI.