Rutgers occupiers abandoned encampment after 'agreement' with admin, but the university never signed the document: EXCLUSIVE

​Rutgers University administrators did not sign a written agreement with protesters to end the four-day anti-Israel encampment, Campus Reform has learned.

Rutgers University administrators did not sign a written the agreement with protesters to end the four-day anti-Israel encampment, Campus Reform has learned.

After negotiations on May 2, university leaders as well as encampment organizers, which included Students for Justice in Palestine Endowment Justice Collective, reached a so-called agreement, that ultimately resulted in the encampment protesters voluntarily leaving.

The university released a written version of the agreement. At the time, Rutgers University - New Brunswick Chancellor Francine Conway said the agreement “was achieved through constructive dialogue between the protesting students and our leadership teams,” adding that it “opens the door for ongoing dialogue and better addresses the needs of our Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian student body, which numbers over 7,000.”

However, in response to a Campus Reform public records request asking for a copy of the signed agreement between administrators and protesters, a Rutgers official said one doesn’t exist.

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”Please note, there is no signed written agreement with administrators and the Endowment Justice Collective and Students for Justice in Palestine,” said Casey Woods, director of ethics and public records at Rutgers.

Campus Reform reached out to Students for Justice in Palestine for comment, but didn’t receive a response.

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Per the document, Rutgers administrators and protesters allegedly agreed on the following: 

- Rutgers will “implement support for 10 displaced Palestinian students to finish their education.”

- Rutgers will create an Arab Culture Center.

- Rutgers will “revisit and follow up” on a partnership with Birzeit University in Ramallah, which could include a student exchange or study abroad program.

- Rutgers will name Palestine, Palestinians, and Gaza in all future communications.

- Rutgers will hire a senior administrator “who has cultural competency in and with Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian communities in the Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community.”

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- Rutgers will work to make training sessions on “anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim racism for all RU administrators & staff.”

- Work towards the creation of a Department of Palestinian studies.

- Rutgers won’t punish any members of the community involved in the encampment by firing them or terminating employment, but said they’re still subject to student conduct code procedures.

According to the document, Rutgers did not commit to a divestment from companies connected to Israel, and refused to terminate its partnership with Tel Aviv University.