THE SCROLL: Alleged ASU course teaches that capitalism is a 'hallucination' that paralyzes the population

Turning Point USA Founder and CEO Charlie Kirk posted the image to X on Tuesday, and called for the defunding of colleges that teach such content.

An image on social media shows a lecture slide from an alleged Arizona State University Course that declares socialism as being related to “science,” and capitalism as being related to “jingoism and racism.”

Turning Point USA Founder and CEO Charlie Kirk posted the image to X on Tuesday, and called for the defunding of colleges that teach such content.

Under “Socialism” the photographed lecture slide lists “Science,” “Internationalism,” Public sector,” and “Public action.” Under “Capitalism” it lists “Hallucination,” “Jingoism and racism,” “For-profit sector,” and “Atomisation and paralysis of the population.”

”This is from an actual college course at @ASU, a taxpayer-funded university. Why do we pay for this garbage? We should stop,” Kirk said.

Former professor Peter Bogghosian responded by calling the content “amateur hour compared to Queer Theory.”