SJP pens message to 'progressive left': 'We are not loyal to our oppressors'

Students for Justice in Palestine penned a message to the "progressive left," telling them that they're not "loyal to our oppressors."

Students for Justice in Palestine penned a message to the “progressive left,” telling them that they’re not “loyal to our oppressors.”

National Students for Justice in Palestine posted the message to X on Wednesday afternoon following Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) losing his primary election.

”Our efforts are channeled through our organizations: prominent among them, the Palestinian Youth Movement, Within Our Lifetime, the US Palestinian Community Network, and Students for Justice in Palestine lead our fight ideologically, politically, and materially,” the group wrote. “We echo the statement from the Palestinian Youth Movement on June 23: An attack on one is an attack on all, and an injury to one is an injury to all. Attempts to divide or undermine any sector of our movement, especially from the ‘left,’ are unacceptable. We demand accountability.”

The group wrote that “smears” against Within Our Lifetime over the past two weeks from people like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Bowman, and President Biden are “attacks on the Palestinian liberation movement as a whole.”

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”However, these are not isolated incidents; our movement has navigated counterinsurgent tactics, smear campaigns, and manipulation from the ‘progressive left’ for months. All the while, these same elected officials have used our mass struggle as a political prop. We are not loyal to our oppressors; elected officials who choose to enable genocide, endorse the architects of said genocide, or otherwise stand in the way of Palestinian liberation will face the political consequences of those choices,” they wrote.

The National SJP organization went as far to call AOC and Bowman as “our enemies.”

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”Figures like AOC and Jamaal Bowman have utility insofar as they leverage their positions within the belly of the beast to shield the masses and our righteous struggles for liberation, directly challenge white supremacist power structures, and stand firmly against Zionism and all manifestations of US imperialism. Without these tangible actions, we regard these elected officials as our enemies,” the group wrote. “All power to the people.”