Student from anti-Israel protest allegedly has NYU acceptance revoked, leftist activists freak out

The anonymous student allegedly had their acceptance revoked for their taking part in disruptive anti-Israel encampments at the school.

The encampment activists demanded that the school sever ties with Israel, among other demands.

Screenshot taken from Instagram of NYU PSC.

The New York University Silver School of Social Work has canceled the acceptance of a student due to his participation in a disruptive anti-Israel protest, a pro-Palestinian group alleges. 

The NYU People’s Solidarity Coalition (PSC), formerly known as the NYU Palestine Solidarity Coalition, claimed in an Instagram post on July 25 that the student, who “wishes to remain anonymous,” was slated to pursue a master’s degree in social work before their acceptance was revoked. 

The student, who already attained an undergraduate degree from the Silver School, was supposedly told by NYU on June 27 that the school revoked his acceptance due to the student’s violation of school rules during his “participation in the first and second Gaza Solidarity Encampments at NYU.”

[RELATED: Pro-Israel coalition urges universities to ‘reverse’ agreements made with encampment groups: ‘Deeply concerned’]

The PSC asserted that the student is a “respected community member and organizer within the NYU community.”

The anti-Israel group claimed that the student’s actions were motivated by “by a firm belief in affirming the human right of the Palestinian people to live without occupation.” 

The post claimed that the goals of the Gaza solidarity encampments in which the nameless student participated were the breaking of all financial ties with the Jewish State, and the “removal of the anti-Black, IOF-trained NYPD from NYU’s campus.”

“IOF,” or “Israel Occupation Forces,” is a derogatory term used by anti-Israel activists to describe the Israeli military, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). 

The PSC also claimed that the university took supposedly harsh measures against the anonymous student, who received “disciplinary sanctions.” 

[RELATED: PAY IT BACK: NY Republican demands Columbia University repay $200K in NYPD overtime for anti-Israel encampment]

The PSC also alleged that the university’s Office of Student Conduct (OSC) violated a promise to the student “that information about their case would not be shared beyond the OSC,” and asserted that “the OSC shared information regarding this student’s case not for any legitimate educational purpose, but for the purpose of barring this student from continuing their education due to their political activism.”

NYU told the student that he would not be able to apply “for any NYU Silver program in the future,” alleged the PSC. 

Campus Reform has contacted New York University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.