Students express support for terror group Hamas, favor violence to accomplish goals: POLL

‘65% of students are very supportive (36%) or somewhat supportive (29%) of the protests happening on college campuses,’ the poll showed.

The results also showed that ‘8% say they have a somewhat unfavorable (5%) or very unfavorable (3%) opinion of Jewish people.’

A recent survey found that many college students support the recent wave of anti-Israel protests on campuses, as well as the use of violence by protesters. 

The poll, conducted by the group Intelligent, found that “65% of students are very supportive (36%) or somewhat supportive (29%) of the protests happening on college campuses,” or roughly two out of every three students polled. 

[RELATED: Convicted killer spotted at Hamas-endorsed Syracuse University encampment before being arrested]

When expressing why they support the protests, one student allegedly said: “I believe it is our fundamental right to fight for the freedom of the Palestinian people. I think what Israel is doing right now is genocide. They are killing innocent people because of the resistance Hamas has been giving. FREE FREE PALESTINE.” 

Another reportedly said: “I don’t know much about it,” and another polled individual stated: “I support all protests, and these ones are good for raising awareness, even if they don’t really ‘solve’ anything. People are trying to help, and that’s admirable.”

The survey also found that “40% of students say they sympathize with Hamas a lot (17%) or a little (24%),” and noted that “sympathy for Hamas” was much higher among students who have actually taken part in the recent wave of campus protests. 

The U.S. Department of State has designated Hamas as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997.

Protest supporters also voiced their agreement with disruptive forms of demonstration: “75% support the use of encampments, 45% support blocking students from attending classes, and 38% support the cancelation of graduation ceremonies,” as well as “36% [who] say they support protestors engaging in violent acts.”

[RELATED: Macklemore dedicates new ‘Hind’s Hall’ song to pro-Hamas activists]

The survey also claimed that, of the protest supporters, “8% say they have a somewhat unfavorable (5%) or very unfavorable (3%) opinion of Jewish people.”

Campus Reform has reached out to Columbia University, New York University, and the University of California, Los Angeles, for comment. All three schools have been sites of anti-Israel protests. This article will be updated accordingly.