Students for Justice in Palestine plans 'Week of Rage' on anniversary of Oct. 7 attacks

The National Students for Justice in Palestine is planning a nationwide 'Week of Rage' on college campuses, beginning on the one-year anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks against the Jewish state.

The Week of Rage is scheduled to last from Oct. 7–Oct. 11 to mark what the group calls 'a year of genocide in Gaza.'

The anti-Israel group, National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), is planning a nationwide “Week of Rage” on college campuses, beginning on the one-year anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks against the Jewish state.

The Week of Rage is scheduled to last from Oct. 7–Oct. 11 to mark what the group calls “a year of genocide in Gaza.”

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“For over 11 months now, the Zionist entity, with the backing of the U.S. and our universities, has committed a horrific assault on the nearly 2 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip,” the group posted to Instagram on Sept. 16. “Since the start of this genocide, the people of Gaza have continued to stand steadfast, resilient, and unwavering in the face of these crimes. It is for them that we rise.”

NSJP continued to describe its efforts to force universities to divest from companies that have connections to Israel, and reaffirmed that it will continue its protest efforts until university administrations meet such demands.

“During these 11 months, we, the students, have confronted the Zionist and imperialist forces in our OWN universities—fighting to end the financial, academic, and ideological ties that our institutions have to this ongoing genocide and colonial project,” NSJP stated. “For a year, we have risen, and for Gaza, we will continue to rise no matter how long it takes.”

“We will rise to end our universities’ complicity in this genocide, to fight for the end of the colonization of Palestine, and to fight for the complete liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea,” the group concluded.

The Instagram post also highlights other leftist organizations that have endorsed the week of protests, including the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, the Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) Network, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA).

[RELATED: Anti-Israel activists at Johns Hopkins demand divestment from Israel on ‘Day of Action’]

Campus Reform has previously reported about NSJP’s decision to plan a similar “Day of Action” on Sept. 12, one day after the anniversary of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks against the United States.

The group asserted that last “school year, the Student Movement for Palestine showed the world what we’re capable of,” that now there is “only one way out: cut ties with the Zionist entity.” 

Campus Reform has contacted the National Students for Justice in Palestine for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.