Texas Tech suspends librarian over anti-Semitic posts

Texas Tech University has suspended employee Rudy Meixell for posting a series of anti-Semitic comments on social media.

His anti-Semitic comments were all posted on X from February to May, which included statements targeting Jews.

Texas Tech University has suspended employee Rudy Meixell for posting a series of anti-Semitic comments on social media. 

Meixell is a unit manager in the library on the Lubbock campus at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). His anti-Semitic comments were all posted on X from January to May, which included statements targeting Jews.

His X account has since become private.

[RELATED: Texas professor goes on multiple profanity-laced Israel-hating tirades, gets suspended]

As noted by StopAntisemitism, Meixell posted to X on Feb. 18: “Hezbollah just launched multiple strikes. Zionism, the real barbarism, will be defeated.” 

On March 7, he commented “It would be nice to have one major party in this country that doesn’t worship the ground Jews walk on.” 

Meixell also condemned Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s campus anti-Semitism guidelines in a post on March 28, saying “his speech rules to protect Jews from discomfort, while the Jewish state commits genocide. What happened to the conservative dismissal of ‘safe spaces.’”

On May 22, Meixell referenced an article by Philip Weiss. Meixwell tweeted “F— organized Jewry’s incessant accusations of antisemitism! As usual, Weiss seems at least as concerned that Zionism is bad for the Jews as he is that it is just bad.” 

TTUHSC President Lori Rice-Spearman and TTU system Chancellor Tedd Mitchell released an Aug. 31 statement regarding a pending investigation. Both administrators agree that Meixell’s comments were “hateful, antisemitic, and unacceptable.” 

The officials also discussed how the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has warned colleges and universities of their responsibility under Title VI, which is to take immediate steps if “discriminatory harassment has occurred.” Additionally, they referenced Gov. Abbott’s Executive Order No. GA-44 from March, which reinforces that “antisemitism and the harassment of Jewish students have no place on Texas university campuses and will not be tolerated by [his] administration.”

[RELATED: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs executive order to fight anti-Semitism on campus]

According to the administrator’s statement, Meixell was immediately suspended, with his income pending. The Office of Equal Opportunity will investigate if his comments “found their way into the academic or the work environment and are deemed to be discriminatory harassment.” 

A TTUHSC official declined Campus Reform’s request for comment.