'Too bad the shooter missed': Prof hopes Trump assassination attempt will 'spawn copy cat shooters'

Marty Walsh of the Berklee College of Music in Boston took to social media to express his hope that more people will attempt to murder Donald Trump in the future.

'Too bad the shooter missed. Maybe this will spawn copy cat shooters,' he posted to Facebook.

An assistant professor at the Berklee College of Music in Boston took to social media to express his hope that more people will attempt to murder Donald Trump in the future.

In response to a conservative Facebook post celebrating Trump surviving the assassination attempt that happened on July 13, Marty Walsh replied to the post saying: “Too bad the shooter missed. Maybe this will spawn copy cat shooters.” 

[RELATED: Bellarmine instructor no longer employed after Trump assassination comments, slams administrators for capitulating to ‘domestic terrorism’]

Walsh’s Facebook profile appears to be deleted and his Instagram account is private. 

Walsh also has an X account mostly with reposts of anti-Republican messaging. The profile includes a reply by the professor from June 2021 in which he appears to claim that Trump “deserves any hell he acquires.” 

In March 2021, he reposted a shared Occupy Democrats image claiming a mass shooting was “inspired by Trump’s racism.”

In February 2021, Walsh agreed with a Twitter post that claimed Republicans were “the party of zip ties, gallows, murder & maiming of police officers, Molotov cocktails, bombs, urination, defecation, destruction & theft of govt property, confederate flags, ‘Hang Mike Pence!’ ‘I wanna see executions!’ ‘We’re coming 4 u Pelosi!’

Walsh is listed as an assistant professor in the Ensemble and Music Production departments on Berklee’s website.

According to his college biography, Walsh is “a veteran of the L.A. studio music scene” and “has worked as a guitarist with some of the biggest names in the business.” The web page also indicates he has worked with artists like Dolly Parton, John Denver, and Neil Diamond.

[RELATED: Harvard Law prof claims Trump will use assassination attempt as a ‘Reichstag moment to crack down’]

Walsh is just one of various college and university professors showing their displeasure with the shooter failing to assassinate Trump.

John James, a recently fired professor from Bellarmine University in Kentucky, tweeted: “If you’re gonna shoot, man, don’t miss.” 

Professor Uju Anya of Carnegie Mellon University posted to X: “People dying doesn’t make the attack any less staged.” 

Alejandra Caraballo, a Harvard Law School professor, posted: “Trump is going to use this as his Reichstag moment to crack down when he’s elected.”

Campus Reform has reached out to the Berklee College of Music and Professor Walsh for comment. This article will be updated accordingly. 

Follow Joshua Odutola on X.