Union Theological Seminary students demand pro-Hamas prof be hired in name of 'social justice'

Students at UTS are petitioning for the hiring of pro-Hamas professor, Dr. Mohamed Abdou, who previously taught at Columbia before his contract was terminated.

Students at an affiliate school of Columbia University are advocating for their institution to hire a pro-Hamas professor, Dr. Mohamed Abdou, who previously taught at Columbia before his contract was terminated.

Students at the Union Theological Seminary (UTS), a liberal Christian seminary in New York City, signed a petition that asked the seminary to give Dr. Abdou a position at the school.

“We want to ensure that when faculty, staff, or students speak truth to power, academic institutions will not prevent them from finding future employment,” the students wrote in their petition. “For that reason, and because Dr. Abdou and his scholarship represents [sic] a unique and special opportunity to bolster our multifaith identity and commitment to social justice, WE ASK THE UTS ADMINISTRATION TO HIRE DR. ABDOU FOR THE 2024-2025 ACADEMIC YEAR.”  

[RELATED: SUPERCUT: Columbia President gives 7 different answers on pro-Hamas prof’s employment status. He was spotted on campus days later.]

Abdou was initially hired by Columbia University’s Middle East Institute in January for the spring 2024 term. He was scheduled to teach a class entitled “Decolonial Queerness and Abolition,” which among other topics, included “transnational feminist discourses.” 

Before he was hired, Abdou had praised Hamas and called for its tactics to be emulated, calling the terror group “warriors” and “resistance fighters.”

“Dr. Abdou’s work is in line with the long tradition of social justice at Union, especially given the UTS administration’s response to the Student Movement for a Free Palestine,” the UTS students’ petition continues. “Over the past few months, since the Gaza Solidarity Encampment first emerged at Columbia University on April 17th, UTS has stood behind student demonstrators.”

Abdou responded in support of the petition, calling it a “generous initiative.”

[RELATED: AYFKM: Columbia president told Congress this prof was ‘terminated.’ Now it appears he’s ‘holding class’ INSIDE Columbia’s gates among pro-Hamas camp]

“Union Theological Seminary community members have launched a petition for me to be hired 2024-2025,” Dr. Abdou posted to X on July 1. “I’m indebted for this generous initiative of theirs. Please help sign & share/circulate the petition as far & wide as possible.”

UTS students have not been Abdou’s only supporters following his departure at Columbia.

“We stand with Professor Mohamed Abdou,” who “has been fired, threatened, silenced, & scapegoated by Columbia University administrators,” Columbia’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) posted to X on July 1. “Professor Abdou has shown the hypocrisy of Columbia. It is no coincidence that Columbia was threatened by him.”

Campus Reform has contacted Columbia University and the Union Theological Seminary for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.