University sex week gives away free birth control, vasectomy

Students at the University of Utah can win a year’s supply of birth control by participating in this year’s Sex Week.

The week-long event, funded by the university, gives students an opportunity to win anything from 365 condoms to birth control pills to a vasectomy.

Students at the University of Utah can win a year’s supply of birth control, including pills or a vasectomy, this week during Sex Week events.

According to a promotional flyer from the public school, U of U’s Center for Student Wellness, Students for Choice, and Planned Parenthood have partnered for this year’s Sex Week, beginning on Feb., 9.

“The more events you attend, the more chances you’ll have to win a year’s supply of the birth control or STD protection of your choice,” the flyer reads.


The flyer says that the birth control options are limited to those offered at Planned Parenthood, which are: 365 condoms, a 12-month supply of pills, one Intrauterine Device (IUD), four Depo-Provera shots, one diaphragm, one vasectomy, 12 NuvaRings, 52 OrthoEvra patches, one Implanon, or information on fertility awareness methods.

The events include a wellness fair, panel discussions, and a showing of “ Obvious Child,” a movie about a young woman who chooses to get an abortion.

U of U’s Right to Life student group, a pro-life organization, has called for the university to defund the week-long event and move it off campus as they believe the event encourages “sexual partners to view each other as objects used for pleasure,” according to a statement from the organization.

“The Right to Life group is also angry that the events during Sex Week aren’t helpful in preventing sexual assault and advocating sexual responsibility but rather, it ‘gives horny students an opportunity to become even hornier yet it does not offer any condolences to victims nor aid for future victims,’” the group said.

Katie Stiel, program manager at the Center for Student Wellness, told Fox 13 that Students for Choice “went through the appropriate channels” to get funding for the events and it would not be removed from campus or cancelled.

U of U did not respond to a request for comment from Campus Reform about funding for the event in time for publication.

Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @K_Schallhorn