‘USA, USA’: Anti-Israel activists laughed at by patriotic grads for dropping Palestinian banner at BU commencement

An anti-Israel student protester accidentally dropped a pro-Palestinian banner on the ground during BU’s commencement, triggering laughter from watching students.

The watching students were chanting ‘USA, USA’ in opposition to the pro-Hamas demonstrators.

Screenshot taken from X account of Richard Hanania.

Anti-Israel students staged a walkout during Boston University’s graduation ceremony, as students not participating in the demonstration laughed at some of the protesters. 

Tens of BU graduates were seen in an X video walking out of their university’s graduation ceremony, which took place on May 19. 

In one video posted on X, anti-Israel students are seen unfurling a pro-Palestinian banner as other students were chanting “USA, USA, USA.” As one of the anti-Israel activists was unfurling the banner, she accidentally dropped it, prompting laughter from the chanting students. 

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Another video shows keffiyeh-clad students who left the ceremony walking around in a circle, chanting “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest.” Some of the students were holding Palestinian flags and anti-Israel banners. 

On Instagram, Boston University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) posted a series of photos that displayed the ways students protested at the graduation ceremony. These included students who unfurled Palestinian flags on stage, and other students outside the venue who held banners that read “200+ days of genocide” and “All eyes on Rafah.” 

In the caption for the post, the SJP chapter wrote: “As we have proudly built such a strong community on campus, we will continue to take collective and direct actions to pressure administration and beyond.” 

It added: “Boston University administration: upon witnessing the lasting 75+ years of Palestinian suffering, your silence and complicity is deafening. As summer starts and the new school year awaits, we are inspired by the Palestinian steadfastness and will continue to escalate for the people of Palestine until our demands are met.”

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Another post shared by the SJP shows a BU Anthropology Department student speaking at her graduation, calling on “BU to disclose and divest from Israel” and accusing the Jewish State of committing genocide. Her comments prompted applause from audience members. 

Campus Reform has contacted Boston University and the school’s SJP for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.