USF expels leftist student group for violating terms of suspension, code of conduct

As many of the nation’s most prestigious institutions have begun pushing back against anti-Israel and leftist campus groups, other major universities are starting to follow suit.

The University of South Florida (USF) recently expelled the Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from each of its three campuses.

As many of the nation’s most prestigious institutions have begun pushing back against anti-Israel and leftist campus groups, other major universities are starting to follow suit.

The University of South Florida (USF) recently expelled the Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from each of its three campuses after determining that the group had violated multiple rules in the campus code of conduct, according to WMNF.

In a July 23 letter detailing the expulsion, Assistant Dean of Student Conduct and Ethical Development Melissa Graham said that the group’s misconduct included violations of rules relating to compliance with directions from law enforcement and possession and/or use of weapons, firearms, and explosive devices.

Graham also noted that SDS was previously placed on interim suspension in April, but it continued to advertise and host events “despite multiple notifications to the organization about the parameters of the Interim Suspension.”

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Graham went on to describe one such unauthorized protest on April 30, during which demonstrators “distributed orange safety vests, umbrellas, and wooden shields to the crowd. Members of Tampa Bay SDS were confirmed to be present when these materials were being distributed and participants were informed on how to use the items against police.” 

“The distribution of the wooden shields and umbrellas resulted in the mobilization of multiple law enforcement agencies toward the group of attendees as the actions of the participants escalated and created a health and safety concern for all participants, faculty/staff, law enforcement, other members of the USF community, and guests.”

In a statement posted on SDS’ national Instagram account, the group criticized the expulsion as well as protesters’ alleged subjection to “pending deportation.” 

USF’s letter detailing the expulsion makes no mention of deportation.

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The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) is currently investigating the details of USF’s decision.

“We’re trying to figure out what happened here,” said Zach Greenberg, a FIRE attorney. “The group claims that they were punished for exercising their free speech rights to the First Amendment. The University says there are content-neutral justifications for this punishment, like firearms, weapons, explosive device charges, disruptive conduct, and other rules violations.”

USF has denied SDS’ subsequent attempt to appeal the expulsion.

Campus Reform has reached out to USF, SDS, and FIRE for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.