USF student rep for Planned Parenthood hands out Plan B pills for free

“I've kind of become like the ‘sex-ed person’ on campus,” the student boasted.

She added that she believes her abortion advocacy work is meaningful because college students don’t want pregnancies to ‘ruin their plans.’

A University of South Florida (USF) St. Petersburg campus student affiliated with Planned Parenthood Generation Action handed out Plan B contraceptive pills at the school’s student group fair. 

Planned Parenthood Generation Action is a project of the nationwide abortion giant that organizes “young activists” to push for abortion in colleges and universities. It has “more than 350 campus groups across the country,” and its goals are to “[m]obilize advocates for reproductive freedom,” “[r]aise public awareness about reproductive health and rights,” and “[e]ducate young people about sexual health.”

[RELATED: Planned Parenthood-affiliated organization pushes abortion at Oakland University]

USF St. Petersburg senior Alexis Hobbs, who leads her campus’s Generation Action group and has handed out several Plan B pills for free during the student fair, boasted that “I’ve kind of become like the ‘sex-ed person’ on campus. Everybody’s asking, like if I have Plan B’s or anything on hand. I love it, I feel like I’m making a difference.”

Hobbs believes her activism is helping people because she said students don’t want unplanned pregnancies “to ruin their plans.”

She also gave out tote bags imprinted with the pro-abortion motto: “Reproductive rights are human rights.”

As can be seen from the group’s Instagram page, USF St. Petersburg’s Generation Action organizes many abortion and sex-related events throughout the year as part of its mission to support “reproductive health and justice.”

In April, for example, the student group recognized “National Horny Day” with a “Bulls get Horn-y tabling event” in which it handed out contraceptives to students. 

“This is our last tabling event of the semester, so make sure you come by and grab Plan-B and contraceptives for the summer,” the group advertised. Students could also participate in a raffle contest for a “free sex toy, lube, toy cleaner, and a variety pack of latex free condoms.”

[RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: University of Tennessee student paper advertises for Planned Parenthood]

Generation Action has been active on other campuses as well. 

The Generation Action chapter at Florida State University, for example, hosted a “Paint Your Orgasm picnic & potluck” earlier this year. The group advertised the event as a “fun sunset picnic and discussion on fighting Abortion Stigma as college students,” though one student condemned the event, saying the decision to hold it in a high-traffic area was “extremely disturbing.” 

The student added that “[t]he organization not only disguises the despicable and horrific act of abortion as a women’s rights issue, but they also parade sexual liberation as a form of female empowerment.

Campus Reform contacted Planned Parenthood and the University of South Florida for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.